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Toilet Use (140) Monster Girls (0) Girls that are desperate to poop (40) Food seasoning (13) Public or mischievous scat/pissing (50) bed (8) Comic Toilet Thread (155) Girls used as a toilet (24) Girls Wetting (112) Boys Wetting (23) Male toilet thread (78) Girls Gotta Go (41) Diapered Girls (190) Girls Peeing (146) Diarrhea (45) Vomiting (151) Smooth Scat (8) Boys Peeing (41) messy toilet use (8) Densoard (23) Peeing/Pooing/Vomiting during execution (4) Omaru / potty (8) Loli/s/ (11) Anyone have Malachi scat art? (38) Microscribbles Archive (8) Halloween (8) Requests thread (49) Male Pants Soiling (22) Dress Hiding Pee/Poo (11) Scat Rumormongering Thread 2.0 (32) Gassy Girls (47) Sweetstuff artist (180) Blocked Guts (45) Manga/mangaka/hentai toilet scenes (54) Together (1) Shmorky's Scat Art (24) In bags (2) Western Animation Toilet Thread (35) General Animation Poop/Fart Scenes (19) Sharing Toilet (8) Gory Skat (5) Living Toilets and Toilet TF (283) Diarrhea 2 (3) Giantess (6) Amputee Scat (16) Female Pants Soiling (188) Ahegao + shit (91) Futanari/Dickgirl Scat (6) fat girls scat (7) obscure scat dossier (4) Hentai scat games/ hentai scat audio (47) Scat slut (2) Translation - [Ogeretsu-dan (Shinjima Saki)] Tenshi no Kitana Benjo [E] (1) Desecration of the dead (1) Scat Eating & Swallowing (31) K-on poo poo (0) poop after ryona (6) KIDS GAMERA poll (29) Pissed and drilled (1) typo google japan (0) Scat General (6) After-vore (17) Diapered (4) are you here dr. darabichi? (0) Poop after death (0) Girls getting killed/ambushed while pooping/peeing (7) Precious Poop (3) Captions and Stories (1) Diapered Boys (15) Manga/Mangaka Scat Thread (0) Art of this Character? (3) Bladder Release/ Incontinence (26) Visible digestive system (10) Poop on breasts or in cleavage (4) Scat Games (0) Hefty (3) (12) I was look... (11) posting fo... (3) Does anyon... (4)

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M2H! is that you?

I was supporting you on Fanbox until the site rejected my card! I'll try to keep supporting you soon! You're one of my favorite artists!

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Locking this thread, because it lacks any subject.

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I was looking for a game from quite long ago, using this image as one of its CGs. I can't remember what game is it. If anyone remembers or have played the game before, I would love to know what game is it. Thanks!
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well, i'm not quite sure if it would help, op anon, but i do have some recollection on the details of this game
the sprites of the game are reminiscent of those from this publisher: https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/2887717 (but i may be mistaken)
additionally, i am certain the artist for the CGs is nikuman (肉名) on pixiv. https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/1339823

cheers, most likely it's of no use to you but that's all the information i can offer
I thank you from the bottom of my heart, stranger. I have been looking for the thing for a long time
I have seen the Pixiv, and it is indeed the CG from the game. Can't find any other details from the game on the Pixiv tho, so might just be someone using his pics without premission. I knew of the game from the vid posted above actually. After inquiring to the vid poster, it appears to be game abandonned during development or something along those lines. Haven't found any other leads since.
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i've found a game possibly worth grabbing, dlsite link here: https://www.dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ314927.html
anyone willing to take one for the team and grab it for all of us?
here's a rapidgator link if y'all have a premium subscription: https://rapidgator.net/file/df0268c187d3434765472ae6d09d86cd/RJ314927_20210227.zip.html#
(probably not malware)

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posting for the request anon
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I've seen this thread a million times, refreshing /s/ to see if there's any new material on it, and every time I thought it was Amy Rose

Does anyone have backup of all content, there were alot of loli shitting and peeing outdoor pics that seem to be lost now

Pls reupload if possible
There's a torrent archive in imhentai

i have a full wget archive of gurochan a day or so before it went down, might upload that but i remember it very big (~10G!) maybe it was smaller idk.
Also i'm really happy to post from tor! :)
only the /s/ board actually i think

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