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Toilet Use (140) Monster Girls (0) Girls that are desperate to poop (40) Food seasoning (13) Public or mischievous scat/pissing (50) bed (8) Comic Toilet Thread (155) Girls used as a toilet (24) Girls Wetting (112) Boys Wetting (23) Male toilet thread (78) Girls Gotta Go (41) Diapered Girls (190) Girls Peeing (146) Diarrhea (45) Vomiting (151) Smooth Scat (8) Boys Peeing (41) messy toilet use (8) Densoard (23) Peeing/Pooing/Vomiting during execution (4) Omaru / potty (8) Loli/s/ (11) Anyone have Malachi scat art? (38) Microscribbles Archive (8) Halloween (8) Requests thread (49) Male Pants Soiling (22) Dress Hiding Pee/Poo (11) Scat Rumormongering Thread 2.0 (32) Gassy Girls (47) Sweetstuff artist (180) Blocked Guts (45) Manga/mangaka/hentai toilet scenes (54) Together (1) Shmorky's Scat Art (24) In bags (2) Western Animation Toilet Thread (35) General Animation Poop/Fart Scenes (19) Sharing Toilet (8) Gory Skat (5) Living Toilets and Toilet TF (283) Diarrhea 2 (3) Giantess (6) Amputee Scat (16) Female Pants Soiling (188) Ahegao + shit (91) Futanari/Dickgirl Scat (6) fat girls scat (7) obscure scat dossier (4) Hentai scat games/ hentai scat audio (47) Scat slut (2) Translation - [Ogeretsu-dan (Shinjima Saki)] Tenshi no Kitana Benjo [E] (1) Desecration of the dead (1) Scat Eating & Swallowing (31) K-on poo poo (0) poop after ryona (6) KIDS GAMERA poll (29) Pissed and drilled (1) typo google japan (0) Scat General (6) After-vore (17) Diapered (4) are you here dr. darabichi? (0) Poop after death (0) Girls getting killed/ambushed while pooping/peeing (7) Precious Poop (3) Captions and Stories (1) Diapered Boys (15) Manga/Mangaka Scat Thread (0) Art of this Character? (3) Bladder Release/ Incontinence (26) Visible digestive system (10) Poop on breasts or in cleavage (4) Scat Games (0) Hefty (3) (12) I was look... (11) posting fo... (3) Does anyon... (4)

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>> 964 KB
>> 2152 KB
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Anyone know what happened to Sweetstuff and their sweet stuff? I thought they had a thread here, but I haven't been able to find it or any of their art at all.
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not dead, just busy.
hi yum. glad to see you're still here. are you still working on this >>1853 vid of the teen girl pooping and peeing off a dock into the water?
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the file with the girl going over the dock got corrupted, sorry!
Ys, are you still gonna send the sound files on Discord?
It's been a year.
would you remake it? the screenshot you posted of it a while back was really hot, id still love to see it finished.

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Anyone got any more blocked guts? Constipated girls?
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>> 715 KB

Post toilet scenes. Also try to provide a source of where the scene originated from.
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Misae Nohara
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I know this is a doujin manga, but there are a lot of official scenes of Misae, and other girls in the Shin-chan universe, using the bathroom, and not discretely at all. Not sure about /s/cenes in the official manga, I definitely recall a lot of scenes in the anime. One scene in particular featured Misae begging Shin to let her use the bathroom, then she proceeds to actually crap her pants (on screen), because Shin was hogging the toilet. There's hundreds of episodes of Shin-chan that never see the light of day on American piracy websites, but hopefully one day the RAWs will get uploaded, because if there's one thing Shin-chan does right, it's potty humor.
If you find more please link them.
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This is from Love Hina, but does anyone know what chapter?
Chapter 75.

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>> 1505 KB

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Shmorky's been known to draw scat art on the side, so like every artist thread on /s/, let's compile all the scat art from this inactive internet person
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see title
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Post toilet scenes from western animation. Keep it official.
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Link to the Duncanville scene
Link please.
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God, Duncan's sister is so cute. I wish there were more /s/cenes in Duncanville, but now that FOX shitcanned it, we'll never get to see the fetish potential the show had. The only /s/ moments in the show I can think of are all pretty much implied scenes, and they cater more to smellfags than your average /s/ poster. Still didn't stop me from popping a boner to scenes like the one where Bex says "we'll see about that" when the YouTuber they're visiting says his room is fart proof. Or vid-related (I love me some embarrassed, smelly, tween girls, yes sir I do)
What do mean? they cancelled it?
Yep, had to make room for more Bob's Burgers clones

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Because "toilet scenes" are too specific
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same. wish we got to see her take that dump.
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From Stone Ocean episode 13.
Is this real?
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Sophitia and Casssand two Sisters fight together and do kurada together in the same ivy toulaetta.
>> 118 KB
i’m a new artist on here. give me requests!
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Where did s2x upload this new pic?

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Guro artwork that also happens to involve poop.
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This is underrated
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This is great. I like thinking that she is somehow getting nutrition that is barely necessary to keep her alive, so she can be alive and conscious of being a toilet for several decades
I looove the idea of an alien/monster whose job it is to serve as a toilet to keep it alive.
>> 77 KB

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New new diarrhea thread
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/art/'s thataway, my friend :)
It's too early to create a new thread. >>1026

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Very big girls relieving themselves
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Shit nugget just got a whole new meaning
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