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Toilet Use (140) Monster Girls (0) Girls that are desperate to poop (40) Food seasoning (13) Public or mischievous scat/pissing (50) bed (8) Comic Toilet Thread (155) Girls used as a toilet (24) Girls Wetting (112) Boys Wetting (23) Male toilet thread (78) Girls Gotta Go (41) Diapered Girls (190) Girls Peeing (146) Diarrhea (45) Vomiting (151) Smooth Scat (8) Boys Peeing (41) messy toilet use (8) Densoard (23) Peeing/Pooing/Vomiting during execution (4) Omaru / potty (8) Loli/s/ (11) Anyone have Malachi scat art? (38) Microscribbles Archive (8) Halloween (8) Requests thread (49) Male Pants Soiling (22) Dress Hiding Pee/Poo (11) Scat Rumormongering Thread 2.0 (32) Gassy Girls (47) Sweetstuff artist (180) Blocked Guts (45) Manga/mangaka/hentai toilet scenes (54) Together (1) Shmorky's Scat Art (24) In bags (2) Western Animation Toilet Thread (35) General Animation Poop/Fart Scenes (19) Sharing Toilet (8) Gory Skat (5) Living Toilets and Toilet TF (283) Diarrhea 2 (3) Giantess (6) Amputee Scat (16) Female Pants Soiling (188) Ahegao + shit (91) Futanari/Dickgirl Scat (6) fat girls scat (7) obscure scat dossier (4) Hentai scat games/ hentai scat audio (47) Scat slut (2) Translation - [Ogeretsu-dan (Shinjima Saki)] Tenshi no Kitana Benjo [E] (1) Desecration of the dead (1) Scat Eating & Swallowing (31) K-on poo poo (0) poop after ryona (6) KIDS GAMERA poll (29) Pissed and drilled (1) typo google japan (0) Scat General (6) After-vore (17) Diapered (4) are you here dr. darabichi? (0) Poop after death (0) Girls getting killed/ambushed while pooping/peeing (7) Precious Poop (3) Captions and Stories (1) Diapered Boys (15) Manga/Mangaka Scat Thread (0) Art of this Character? (3) Bladder Release/ Incontinence (26) Visible digestive system (10) Poop on breasts or in cleavage (4) Scat Games (0) Hefty (3) (12) I was look... (11) posting fo... (3) Does anyon... (4)

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It's time for a puke thread on the appropriate board. Both artwork and stuff from media like TV shows, movies, games, books, etc. are allowed. Just try not to post artwork of women choking on cock and barfing, those get redundant. If you absolutely have to, at least make sure it's because the dick stinks or something, and not just because she gobbled the shlong too hard.
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Great scene, good sounds. Horrible pixel censorship. What the fuck has Japanese standards and practices come to? I'd say let's hope for an uncensored bluray release, but we all know that's not happening.
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A thread for images with chocolate soft-serve; no broken, cracked or detailed scat, just long smooth poop tubes.

You are encouraged to link to existing posts instead of reuploading duplicates here.
Category: scat 3 posts omitted. Enter the thread to view...
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>> 835 KB
I would post more examples but I tried to avoid brightly-colored pseudo-scat.
Literally the most lamest and effortless version of scat.

Not to say there isn't any anomalies out there but dogshit ones like >>3394 being what most soft scat is like.
Sure, I enjoy that it is simple and 'lame'. I like the idea, not the actual detailed appearance of scat.
Eh, disagreed.

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Reaching out to a new demographic!
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girls missing the toilet
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>> 277 KB
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What happened to Densosard? Their Pixiv and DA were both deleted and almost seems to have vanished from the internet completely. Must have happened recently too
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Holy shit, you're on this site? Awesome!!! I love you!
Thank you, hope you're doing well. Love your work!
Is Microscribbles on this site by any chance? If so, we need an archive like Densosard's! She was the best!
Good shit Densoard, hope you're doing alright
Great to see you around densoard we really miss your work hoping that you return to art one day.

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For any girls who empty their bladders, bowels or stomachs all over themselves or other things while they're executed, due to fear, loss of muscular control, death or other means. The more sludge the better!
Category: Piss, shit, pee, poo, vomit, puke, execution, electric chair, hanging, garotte, fear, scared, terrified
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Girls using a potty
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A thread for loli's to cleanse their bowels, answering nature's call.
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No source on this one? :(
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One of their other posts, wish they had more translations

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Hey guys! Happy to see the chan back up again. Lets hope it stays up for many years to come.

So, speaking of Malachi scat stuff, I remember seeing a scat piece of TK from Digimon by Malachi posted on Gurochan a few years back, anyone have that? I can't find it for the life of me :p
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Is this just speculation or is there some solid proof to this?

Nothing against anyone but this is the internet and people like to jump to conclusions.
He's gone on hiatuses before, right? Malachi's been around since the usenet days, maybe he's just tired. I think the last time he was active he was just doing it for the money. These days the internet is oversaturated with scat/fart hentai, so it's not out of the question to assume that he just figured this community isn't niche anymore and he no longer has to fill the role of "best scat artist on the internet". Not to go off on a tangent here, but /s/cat fans have it so good these days. I wish vomit had that same level of artists willing to draw it. I remember a time where there was probably as much vomit porn as there was scat porn.
Can anyone have a Malachi's archives pack?
you should at least read the thread before posting.
see >>134 >>1878

I think there's a decent archive of his earlier WWOEC stuff on exhentai.
I'm not sure if anyone has collected their newer stuff yet.

Find that archive then!

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Micro deleted her account again after her Pixiv Fanbox was leaked. There is some stuff on scatbooru, but the quality of some of the images is bad. It's also no where near a complete archive.

First, I'd really like to find the full version of the Ramona comic attached here.

It would also be cool if the Jucika comic could be found and the Yuru Yuri one aswell.
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Forgive me if this is a silly question, but what would 'leaked' mean in this case?
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Gotta look for the others but I already got this
>> 933 KB
This the other
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im going to assume she discovered Kemono.Party or dumbass UnsungSoldier reposted their stuff on scat booru.

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I love editing scat pictures using photoshop to make the shit bigger. You can post your requests and I'll edit them.
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If you're not so sure on the idea but want to do a test, do what 4chan did for their new boards. They did trials for every new board that they put out, if the board does well, it will stay around. But if something goes wrong or another concept turns out to be better, they'll close down the board and/or redirect people to the replacement.

Simple, do a test, give it like a year or less and see if it works out.
>> 217 KB
Request for 3 massive load and possible wetting
Not my fault the first thing you see in Fur right off the bat is Gore. Absolute Lunacy!
Just love how I asked for context and got zero answer.
You just know it's likely something stigmatic, in my opinion. I definitely know it's funny to stick it to furfags by cramming everything grotesque in one place as a containment.

If it's not a joke, better clear up and have a good reason why you dropped the idea instead of pitching it like 4chan does with their new boards.

and who asked you?
It's definitely not my fault users generally don't fucking use blacklists. It's annoying and can turn away people from using the board.
>> 260 KB
Could you possibly edit this to have him take a larger dump? Please and thank you
Category: Scat

162 KB
Not much!
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>> 574 KB
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>> 403 KB

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Got more like this?
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>> 343 KB
Im a fan of this. Shame that its so rare.
Sweet find!

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We're back, motherfuckers!
This is a thread where we discuss ​about artists that publicly/secretly draw or tolerate scat/efro.

Share your rumors and knowledge.
Don't be a dick. Less potential drama is better.
Keep the discussion niche. Support their interest by giving them comfortablity and space to draw what they like.

New things:
>Lollipopcon deleted a commission pertaining to Simplify's Kobold, who has purged everything for his new public following since.
>Nurg is back under as Lava, currently. He had a twitter months ago but is gone. Only his Baraag remains, but deletes often due to perfectionist issues.
>INAX does draw scat but the only ones they shared was on their male alt.
>No big surprise, Syuro is cool with scat.
>Slobstash only posts in his locked twitter possibly due to a wave of assholes. (bummer)

Previous thread:
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She should be lucky nobody caught wind of that since she got mangled into drama recently.
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>>Fupoo did a secret scat commission of Annie for someone at Hentai Foundry
>draws this
I guess that's something close enough, right?
>> 53 KB
Inkune's scat/fart stash from her Inkpuni/Pannei aliases

As much as I love to uphold your 3rd point OP, but this artist is on the deep end.
SFW Artists with moralistic personalities and heaping amounts of schizophrenia are not worth the chase, especially how much they given already.
Even they quit, they sure left behind a ton of stuff for anyone to study and replicate....
TeniousOddity did some secret works on his Discord.
One of those things he did got him into trouble recently but surprised he didn't just post onnhis pixiv for god sake.

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