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Toilet Use (140) Monster Girls (0) Girls that are desperate to poop (40) Food seasoning (13) Public or mischievous scat/pissing (50) bed (8) Comic Toilet Thread (155) Girls used as a toilet (24) Girls Wetting (112) Boys Wetting (23) Male toilet thread (78) Girls Gotta Go (41) Diapered Girls (190) Girls Peeing (146) Diarrhea (45) Vomiting (151) Smooth Scat (8) Boys Peeing (41) messy toilet use (8) Densoard (23) Peeing/Pooing/Vomiting during execution (4) Omaru / potty (8) Loli/s/ (11) Anyone have Malachi scat art? (38) Microscribbles Archive (8) Halloween (8) Requests thread (49) Male Pants Soiling (22) Dress Hiding Pee/Poo (11) Scat Rumormongering Thread 2.0 (32) Gassy Girls (47) Sweetstuff artist (180) Blocked Guts (45) Manga/mangaka/hentai toilet scenes (54) Together (1) Shmorky's Scat Art (24) In bags (2) Western Animation Toilet Thread (35) General Animation Poop/Fart Scenes (19) Sharing Toilet (8) Gory Skat (5) Living Toilets and Toilet TF (283) Diarrhea 2 (3) Giantess (6) Amputee Scat (16) Female Pants Soiling (188) Ahegao + shit (91) Futanari/Dickgirl Scat (6) fat girls scat (7) obscure scat dossier (4) Hentai scat games/ hentai scat audio (47) Scat slut (2) Translation - [Ogeretsu-dan (Shinjima Saki)] Tenshi no Kitana Benjo [E] (1) Desecration of the dead (1) Scat Eating & Swallowing (31) K-on poo poo (0) poop after ryona (6) KIDS GAMERA poll (29) Pissed and drilled (1) typo google japan (0) Scat General (6) After-vore (17) Diapered (4) are you here dr. darabichi? (0) Poop after death (0) Girls getting killed/ambushed while pooping/peeing (7) Precious Poop (3) Captions and Stories (1) Diapered Boys (15) Manga/Mangaka Scat Thread (0) Art of this Character? (3) Bladder Release/ Incontinence (26) Visible digestive system (10) Poop on breasts or in cleavage (4) Scat Games (0) Hefty (3) (12) I was look... (11) posting fo... (3) Does anyon... (4)

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Does anyone know of doujins or western comics (pixiv, etc) that include a slow loss of control? I find it immensely arousing but, outside of [Mamiana Hanten]'s works or a lone [Namiroji] manga, I've never managed to find something like this!

(the pic is from Sketchman's CYODA)
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I love this combination
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Pics of “girls” with cocks
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Does anyone have Ymir’s pixiv/patreon pics?
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thread for fat girls
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it's dead
I meant to reply to you
Yes, BBWchan has few scat fans, few BBW fans are scat fans, oh well:
Also, of course the archive is dead.
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does anybody here remember this artist who post on the very old gurochan?
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There was a similar thread in the old gurochan but it was only audio, decided to make a thread for it since there was a lot of stuff there.

I'm also gonna post a free game here to whoever wants to download, it has an english translation, though the translation isn't the best. Hope we can keep this thread alive!

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Sorry about that, it was my bad, I'm not familiar with Google, I had the impression that it was taken down or something, since I can access other files without an account just fine.

It turns out I needed to make an account to request access. I made a quick sock account and requested access.

Good to watch out for anonymity too, that's why I use Tor, VPN and sock accounts.
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Can you guys start uploading to anonfiles, or at least mediafire? omorashi's a pain in the ass to sign up for, and those google drive links require access and they expire fast. I wish there was a /s/cat poster equivalent of GuroPrince, then there'd be no issues.
Spoof Email Sender

Cards Vbv and Non Vbv

The Orez Real Dark web GAME

Dark Web Earn Business 
All of the eroge uploaded on omorashi.org allows for downloads without having to sign up (they're IP-locked to one a day, but be grateful that they're even there, they have server hosting costs as well).

The Google Drive links have never once expired and if you just did your due diligence and signed into Google with a throwaway account you'd be able to access the files.

Man, can't you guys try to tinker and try to figure it out before relying on the other anons to provide tech support?
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I promise you as someone who's been getting their games from there, even if you make a free account, it's not going to let you download all of the files in the same go. Download your files one by one.

This is some basic shit, folks, so get your acts together and stop complaining just because the process of grabbing FREE STUFF could be more convenient for you.

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A drawing I did combining scat and vore
Category: scat, vore, nsfw, smut
Where's the vore?

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First time translating and editing. Let me know what you think.
Very nice, Doom! Damn, does /s/ have no manners? There was just a thread about gurochan-original manga translation on /dis/; well, here it is! Maybe recognize the translation and don't let it sink to half the bottom of the page you dopes!

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Naughty girls desecrating the dead with poop or pee
can anyone find more rollerc04ster's arts? i find nothing in pixiv. also, their account has been deleted long ago.

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Guess I get to be the filthy harlot that brings back the shit eating thread.

Bonus points if the shit is actively being swallowed or visibly inside a stomach.
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Category: scat, k-on

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this is pretty specific, but any pics of girls getting punched so hard they pee/poop?
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I love the idea.

I always wanted to see characters like Linka, from Captain Planet, or Celes, from Final Fantasy 6, being beaten up by the villains until those girls shit themselves out of pain and fear.

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Kids Gamera (or Yuta_AGC) tweeted a polling if he wants to share scat content on his NSFW blog.

He's a very talented traditional/digital Japanese artist that draws a lot of Splatoon art and some western-related content. He's a huge westaboo as well.
His "nudity practice blog" is where he shares his NSFW art for leisure. It used to be a locked blog, but he opened it as soon as he wanted more people to see his stuff.
He later on started to share his enema art where either the girl shits liquid or something gelatinous matter, which gotten a good reception. That was when the scat question started to arose...

>Okay cool! and Uh...that's a very massive voting difference...
Yeah, it's very bleak. But this would only matter if we're not speaking up on the matter.
We need to at least RESPECTFULLY ask him to share on a different public platform.

>How can I help?
1. If you're fluent with Japanese or able to use DeepL, please respond to him in Japanese, so he can understand. Publically tweet or DM without overwhelming him.
2. Please ask him about file hosting services like Mega.co.nz or Google Drive where he can privately share on his Patreon. Several Japanese artists, like INAX, Pochincoff, and many more do this method, they all boldly dealt with reaction and figured what to do about it.
3. Encourage him to share on a different blog, such as his Pixiv or maybe a separate twitter even.
4. Ask him if he can share on Patreon or PixivFANBOX exclusively or separately, as mentioned above: most Japanese artist already do this.
5. Please be very kind to the people that are opposed to it. Try to give them understanding on WHY he wants to share and at least encourage him to do something for both people for or against it.

>How long this will last?
He set the poll for a week long, but he could just cancel it and accept the decision.
Which is why you need to speak up quickly, maybe at least before more vocal and rude kink shammers appear.

>Does this affect on the stuff he already shared. (enema, etc)
POSSIBLY, it's literally scat without feces. It's tolerable but the artist may assume people don't want to see it either.
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>Furry is an instant boner killer for many of us.
and some of us don't like gore either, as even gore posters are iffy on bodily waste porn.

So why should /fur/ have to scrunch everything into one board? Furry scat is popular enough to stand on its own like scat itself can, so maybe it should get a board, or a rule change if its overkill.
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More scat!
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His other new one is pretty damn good.
Looks like he's intergrating his newer style on his scat stuff too.
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Not so sure why there's been little activity here but Gamera-san finally made a scat twitter:

Not sure why it took so long, but I guess that had to do with language barrier or english users bitching about scat.

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btw is there any way to know if youre posting a duplicate

more guro at scrolller com/r/guro
Category: piss, drill, guro
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Category: piss, drill, guro

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type スカトロ, ロリ, 東方 and whatever you want in google.

also, i used translate to search is kind of atrocities.

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